Saturday, March 27, 2010

Disappointment, annoyance & more obstacles

I'm feeling a little annoyed with all the banks in this country today. All banks declined my bond because of the state of the house I want to buy. You would think that the least they could do is give me an amount they would be prepared to lend and a list of the faults that made them decline it.

So are they now expecting me to apply for 20 million more bonds for this house, dropping a bit each time to find out how much they will give me? Or maybe a bond application per bank for a variety of houses that are up for sale, when I have absolutely no idea what their criteria are in terms of fixer-upper type houses.

Has anyone here ever bought  and bonded a house in really bad condition and had to fix it up. If so, how do you go about it as I'm finding that I just don't know where the fuck to start. Or maybe I'm supposed to buy one of these tiny bloody boxes in good condition since I cannot afford a large house in good condition. Eish - makes me want to cry.

My seller is prepared to drop the price. But since I don't know how much the banks will loan - how on earth do I know what to offer.

I've went through one of those bond companies. All they can tell me is that is not approved because of the valuation. They cannot give me a figure of how much they will loan me.

Answers ranged from "property not suitable for mortgage purposes" to "insufficient value found"/

And when I asked for more details, I was told the bank doesn't give full details of how much they will loan me and what exactly are the various issues with the house that make a house "not suitable for mortgage purposes".

So even shopping for another house - I have no clue what price I should look at and how much damage the house can have before the bank will write it off as "not suitable".

And I really want one of those old country houses that needs some TLC. I want to turn my house into a home that fits me and my lifestyle.

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