Monday, August 15, 2011

It's all finally falling into place

It's now August. I know it's a few months since I posted. But until now, there was not much to post about.

Today I had a meeting with the social worker and 2 of the safe house moms. They are very interested in my idea of doing touch therapy on the children. We have another meeting tomorrow with all the ladies in the area who run safe houses.

I've also mentioned my ideas for building a play park for the kids on my land. They like that too as the park that was in the location, was destroyed by teenagers and adults. Hopefully my dogs can prevent that from happening to a little play park on my property. I'll still have to fence off the area where I put that so that the dogs can be kept away from the kids.

Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to actually get some details together. These ladies all foster as well as run safe houses. So they know way better than I do, what facilities are most needed for the kids.

And I'm also hoping to get dates and times for the start of my healing journey.

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